What's the difference between a logo and a brand?
The logo is part of the brand. It’s one of the visual elements — usually the most important element — that tell a story about your organization and what you offer. Beyond the logo, there is also your colors, fonts, voice, and more. And they all work together to make up your brand.
Do you work with small business?
Absolutely. We have worked with many start-ups, small businesses, and groups experiencing growing pains. Because of that history, we understand the special needs and resource restraints that can exist. Just give us a call or drop us a line, and we can have a candid conversation about how we will solve your creative problems and do so without making more of them.
Which web platforms do you use?
Whichever makes the most sense for you. Sounds like a line, but it’s what any designer/developer team should be thinking of— you. And you are made up of your customers, your resources, your goals, and more.
Will you work with my existing printer, web hosting company, freelance writer, or other provider?
Sure. We understand that you may already have existing vendor relationships, and we are happy to keep those going should you wish. If there is anything concerning — egregious costs, poor quality — we will let you know. However, we will still work with whomever you prefer.