Start-up CPG company needed soup-to-nuts creative. Ironically, their seasoning blends are outstanding in soups and on nuts. Trust us, we did a lot of taste testing when photographing recipes for their D2C website.
Rubarama wanted great package designs, but not at the cost of the environment and safe working conditions. And as a start-up, custom packaging components wouldn’t be financially doable. That meant sourcing from multiple vendors, from a limited set of converters. We worked doggedly to meet their needs, never sacrificing the final designed product.
Standing out on social media is a challenge, and in the food space there is a lot of competition. We crafted a recipe development schedule based upon competitive analysis and trend forecasting. photographing the finished goodies and incorporating them into graphics.
Delicious design.
As we continued to work with Rubarama, we talked with their customers for good ol’ feedback. Everyone loved the blends, but many said that they wanted a shaker option. Adhering to the packaging principles of sustainability and American-made components proved more challenging this time around, but we made it happen. The only bit of plastic is the sifter fitment which, conveniently, can be removed so that the shaker can be refilled with Rubarama’s 2.5 ounce refill, which is packaged in a compostable pouch.